Monday, November 29, 2010

Chapter 0 - Red Snow

   When God created this world, he made us with purpose. Life's importance lies in how we live it. Have you ever wonder why are you born to this world?

   " Mama, are we there yet?", Scarlet asked.
   " Not yet sweetie. We're almost there. Hang on", Her warm hands hold on tight to mine in the cold night. Afraid that she'd lose me again.

   A year ago, during the sacrificial ceremony, I was to be executed by the elders of the Great Aries Kingdom. The reason is my unusual eyes. My left eye is blue like my parents but my right eye is red. The elders claimed that I had the Cursed Eye and could bring destruction to the kingdom.

   How am I supposed to understand the situation when I was only fourteen? To be judged by others based on my appearance...

   That night, I was dragged by the servants to the field of snow to be slaughtered. The moment i was going to be killed, my vision went black and blur. 

   When I opened my eyes, I saw the snow around me dyed in red. I thought I was dead but the blood's not mine. It was the butcher's blood. Elder Macom looked at me. Eyes wide open.

   " Y- you are cursed! Nightmare's about to begin! Die Cursed Eye! Go to HELL!" ouch, that was harsh. 

   I couldn't believe it myself but I think I might have killed the butcher when I'm unconscious... Damn... I'm in a lot of trouble.