Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chapter 1 - Philix

   According to the legend of Aries, 1 thousand years ago, a child with different eye color was born. His name is Philix. He had the same right eye as I. 

   It was said that he brought disaster and destroyed the whole kingdom. He killed the King and nobles, their family and relatives. Leaving none left. 

   The elders believed this myth and feared that I would be the same and tried to execute me.

   But when i realized my doings, I knew it wasn't on purpose. Something's living inside me. Someone else. Not a spirit, not a devil either. Another soul. 

   I saw him in my dreams. We had the same red right eye.

   "Scarlet eh? Nice name you got there. I guessed your mum must had named you after your eye?", he smiled at me. He didn't have an ugly face or a killer face like I'd imagined. Guess my imagination ran wild? Even though he had the same red eye, he looked kind and gentle. He's not the type of person that'll go destroy his own home. 

   "Are you Philix?", I asked.

   "Yep, you know me?", he said, still smiling.

   " Did you really destroy the whole kingdom of Aries?", oops?

   "Not you too? NO, of course not. I'll tell you. It's not like-", there's where my dreams always stopped.

   Before i could understand anything, it always stopped right when the important part comes in. Damn it =.= ... At least I know that he didn't do all those thing the elders told everyone that he did.

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